Thursday, 19 January 2012


Comparison Study of audio amplifier performances using Class AB, B and D topologies in portable audio devices.

In battery-powered portable audio devices such as mobile phones and MP3 playes, the audio amplifier takes a significant portion of the system's power budget. As a result, audio equipment  designers have been looking for enhancements to the Class AB topolology.

In this project, comparison studies such as power savings achievable through implementing a newer technology such as open looped Class D and Closed looped Class D against Ab and B will be performed. Differences in power consumption between different implementations of topologies should be studied to determine whether they are large enough to affect the overall power budget will also be performed. Besides the power consumption, other factors such as distortions and noise will be taken into account.

The student is expected to perform extension studies on various amplifier topologies, design, build and perform comparison between these topologies. Knowledge in analog electronics is an added advantage.

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